Loose Objects Accident

When you have loose objects in your car and you get into an accident, it can make things all the more dangerous. You may think that loose objects couldn’t possibly hurt you during a car accident, but the truth is that they can be integral in causing and worsening accident injuries.

Hazardous Items

When you are loading your vehicle, you should make sure to store items correctly to avoid a loose objects accident. It may seem surprising, but unsecured objects in a car are among the top causes of car accidents. They can impede your driving ability and potentially become projectiles that contain lethal power in the event of a collision.

Placing Items Safely

One thing you should always remember is to never place objects on the floor by the driver’s side. They can move and obstruct your usage of the gas or brake pedals, which can lead to a disaster. If you are unable to stop your vehicle, you will be unable to control the car, which can have deadly consequences. If you do not appropriately place your floor mats, they can slide forward and inhibit your ability to use the pedals. It can make for a disastrous situation and even lead to a fatal accident.

Car Compartments for Storage

Be careful of having loose items sitting on the car’s dashboard or center console. Objects as mundane as loose change, smartphones, and CD cases can slide back and forth while you’re driving. Store these things in their appropriate places like the glove compartment or another area meant to hold objects. Use your cup holders to secure any drinks so that you can avoid holding a cup or bottle between your legs while driving. Place your purse or briefcase in a safe spot as well and avoid leaving them on the passenger’s seat.

Although car accidents are impossible to foresee, you can prevent one by ensuring that loose objects are not scattered around the vehicle’s interior.  If you were involved in a loose objects car accident, trust Car Accident Cases to get you in contact with an experienced local attorney. He or she can discuss your legal options and help you pursue fair compensation. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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