3 Safety Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

Everyone knows how much dogs love going for rides in the car and as pet owners, we love having them by our side. They can provide much-needed companionship and are all ears when you’re ready to tell them about your day. With everything they do, it’s only right that you go the extra mile to ensure their safety.

Many people don’t think twice about the positioning of their dog in the car. As long as they are in the vehicle and not jumping out of the window, everything’s okay. That may be true to an extent, but many drivers are endangering their dogs without having a clue that they’re doing so. To ensure the safety of your best bud, be sure to apply these three safety tips when traveling with your dog.

No Heads Out the Window

Dogs hanging their heads out the window with their ears flapping, tongue out, and tail wagging is the age-old concept of dog rides in cars. As much as they may enjoy this action, it can be hazardous. Rotating tires can easily pick up road debris and send it flying in the air, possibly striking your dog.

The more significant issue lies in the health of your canine friend. The soft ear flaps (pinnae) on dogs can swell and get tender from excessively flapping in the wind. The heavy airflow, especially in colder conditions, can also overwhelm and damage their respiratory systems when traveling at high speeds.

Can’t Beat the Backseat

Many dog owners are so attached to their pups that they insist on driving with them in their laps. This may provide you with additional comfort, but dogs are much safer in the backseat for multiple reasons. The main reason is driver distraction. When drivers have their pets in their laps, the dogs rarely stay still; they move around, climb up, and climb down. Driving with a dog on your lap can be just as distracting as cell phone use or operating the radio as your full attention isn’t there.

That’s not the only issue. Airbags are just as dangerous to unsecured dogs as they are to toddlers. If you would rather not restrain your dog, have it sit in the back seat where it is free from direct airbag hazards. The only time your dog should sit in the front is if it is properly secured in the passenger’s seat.

Truck Beds are For Cargo Only

As common as it may be, dogs should not ride in truck beds. They are exposed to all types of debris and can easily get ejected from the vehicle in a collision or an abrupt stop. Many truck beds are made of steel and can become extremely hot on summer days. The heated metal can easily burn your dog’s sensitive paws and cause your dog to act erratically in response to the pain. The safest thing owners can do for their dogs is purchase some restraint that either cages it in or buckles it down like a small child. If you continue to travel with an unsecured pup, you run the risk of endangering yourself, your dog, and other drivers.

In the event of an auto accident involving a pet, be sure to reach out to an experienced attorney. Car Accident Cases can get you in touch with a local attorney who can discuss your legal options following a collision. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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