How Does Hiring a New York Car Crash Attorney Affect Your Accident Claim with Insurance Adjusters?

Unfortunately, many people make the decision to forego hiring a New York car crash attorney after they’ve been in an accident. They may be concerned about the costs associated with filing accident claims through a lawyer, or they may feel their case isn’t substantial enough to warrant hiring professional legal assistance. Either way, if it’s your desire to get compensation for a car accident, the best thing you could do is to hire an attorney.

At, we know that working with insurance adjusters on accident claims can be tricky. This is especially true for those who don’t have any type of legal background. There are so many mistakes that can easily be made after you file your claim, and these mistakes can be very costly. You can learn more about the most common mistakes by reading our article entitled, 4 Mistakes Often Made when Negotiating Car Accident Settlements.

Insurance Adjusters and New York Car Crash Attorneys

In most cases, you need the experience that’s offered from an attorney when you’ve been in an accident. Your lawyer will know from the beginning how much your case is worth, and he won’t allow himself to be bullied into accepting any settlement offer that’s less than fair. In addition, the insurance adjuster will usually refrain from attempting lawyers to admit that their clients were at fault for the crash; which is a trap many individuals have fallen into when attempting to represent themselves.

Obtaining fair compensation for a car accident is difficult when you’re an individual working directly with an insurance adjuster. That’s because they know there’s a high chance that you don’t know how to do the appropriate research to support your demand for a settlement.

New York Car Accident Lawyer Fees

At, we feel it’s important to address the issue of lawyer fees. If your attorney accepts your case, you know you probably have a good chance of being offered a settlement. That’s because car accident lawyers in New York work with contingency fees. This means if your case isn’t settled or granted a settlement, your lawyer does not get paid.

You can learn more about what happens during car accident negotiations by reading our recent article, Understanding Car Accident Negotiations with Insurance Adjusters on our blog.

In addition, we are always covering interesting auto crash-related topics on our website. Here at, we’d like to invite you to learn more about any of the following topics:

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